Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today at Ross Video, I spent the first several hours of my day testing a web application developed in-house to manage licensing of Ross Video products. I did so by testing many different possible inputs and actions and comparing the actual with the desired results. Afterwards, during my lunch break, I played pool with a few of the other employees, before returning to work once more, wherupon I tested a network interface card for various criteria, such as maximum number of connections and resilience to failed software updates. To do this, I inserted it into an actual network-connected frame and used the dashboard software to monitor various parameters while I performed the test. I also tested a rail-based rack mounting system in development, by using it to mount a frame in an unused rack. During the course of my day, I found several minor bugs, which were sent to development to be addressed.

Matt Farkas-Dyck
Hometown: Ottawa, ON