After Shad Valley at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, I joined the Impact Entrepreneurship Group for my post-Shad internship. Impact is Canada's largest non-profit, student-run organization that strives to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit in today's youth. I am currently being mentored by Alex Shipillo, Impact's BC president, and getting exposure to the different aspects of running a national organization as big as Impact. It was really wonderful to know that I would be working with Alex as he is one of Canada's Top 20 under Twenty scholars and a Shad Alum. Throughout my internship, Alex kindly shared his personal experiences of entrepreneurship and volunteerism with me and inspired me to get my feet wet in social entrepreneurship.
As part of my job, I work with Impact's corporate sponsors, such as the British Columbia Innovation Council and the Certified General Accountants Association, and major charities across Canada for the Impact Microcredit competition. From overseeing the progress of the 2009 Microcredit competition, I report key statistical figures indicating the immense potential of the competition to our sponsors. It has been an excellent opportunity for me to learn about managing Impact’s high-level projects and gain transferrable skills which will definitely give me a competitive edge in the job market. In addition, I am currently working on an exclusive project with Impact to seek out the top youth entrepreneurs in Canada and recognize them for their achievements.
Today, I am also delighted to say that I met Impact's founder, Kunal Gupta, at Polar Mobile's Toronto headquarters during the video production of Impact's new entrepreneurship campaign. The key message I took home from talking to Kunal personally was not to be afraid of the challenges that I may face as an entrepreneur, but to embrace my entrepreneurial spirit and overcome those challenges. In the end, confidence will prevail. I am really looking forward to Impact's social this weekend, and networking with even more incredible Impacters. This has been by far the best summer I have ever experienced and I want to thank Impact and Shad Valley for that.
Jackey Cheng
Hometown: Markham, ON